
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Is it really a success?

So this past week, I finally hit my goal of breaking 100 lbs in weight loss.  I weighed in at 183 Wednesday morning and from my original base of 285 that is 102 lbs overall so far.  The whole time since then though it has not been such a 'joyous occasion' as I was expecting it to be.  It is very great in my mind that I am at an acceptable weight that is healthy, lowers my chances of diseases, I worry less about diabetes and other issues.  Overall healthy.

What comes to mind though that I cant get out of my head is everyone keeps on saying nice things to me about how well I have done losing weight, but what about before?  People don't go walking around saying to fit people, nice job, looking good, way to get it done.  Maybe they do for workout partners.  I high five Donny after a hard workout, mentally wish people good luck in the gym when I see someone struggling, and so on.

The biggest issue is that do I really deserve people saying great job for the weight loss?  It is more so because now I am at a healthy weight, but what did I do before?  How horribly was I disrespecting myself as a person before to even get to 285 in the first place?  People who don't have to go through this already respect their bodies in a way that wont cause a weight loss.  I think it is great that people work hard to lose weight and it is difficult, but it comes down to what was I doing to myself to let this happen in the first place.

I dont mean to be disrespectful but I do get disgusted going to fast food restaurants and seeing the people there eating.  There is a sense that I get looking around and thinking to myself what I used to do to myself and the results of it.  Now I am healthier but the USA and the world needs to start learning to respect themselves.  I keep thinking to myself when I get a craving 'I need to eat tomorrow too, why not wait to eat this extra food until then.'  The theory is there is always tomorrow, no need to gorge anymore today.


  1. this is a very interesting perspective... thank you for sharing!! but I am happy for you that you have lost 100+ pounds and you are healthier, and I hope happier!

  2. Having struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember, I'd call this a major accomplishment. Just because something might come easy to some people (like staying in shape), you shouldn't minamalize your accomplishment. It's the same with running. Should a marathoner scoff at a person running their first 5k? No. Because every person's journey is different. People value diferent things. And accomplishments are different for different people.

    Celebrate what you've done! And enjoy the compliments! I might not get comments from people saying, "wow - your body is awesome," but I can take pride in the compliments I get for other athletic related things - like having a PR, going a long distance, etc. You deserve the praise you're getting. Just don't let your negative self talk get in the way.
